Dear Friends!
Thank You everyone for this blessed year! Our God directs and brings us up. Sometimes we think things are not easy and sometimes even difficult, but God, who we believe, is almighty. And He knows what is best to you, even when life is not easy. Victories and adversities are often connected. So dear friend don´t give up!
1 Cor. 15:57-58 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
During this year we have with joy and gratefulness been able to inaugurate the worship hall in our church building in Heby, Sweden. This beautiful hall is a worship and praise to God. As local pastors we are so thankful for all our collaborators who have their heart in church and work so hard. And our church is joined in bigger context in Salt & Light International and Body of Christ in Sweden.
We are also much engaged in the development work of the local community. Kiell is leading the restoration work of the big lake Tämnaren. Gertrud is working in the local handicraft center. Both of us are interested in local history, and we are researching and writing the history of local community.
The year started with 70 year celebration for Kiell, and that our 11th grandchild Victor was born. Emilie (19) got “student-examen”. Our grandchild Hannah was married to Viktor. During the summer we made some travelling to the Baltic Sea, days with the family. Our home and farm needs some work. During the autumn we participated in Salt & Light meeting in Finland, and made a study journey to Turkey. Kiell has had problem with his stomach, and Gertrud with her back. Yes, we are old, but we don´t give up. We are grateful to be in full labor in God´s kingdom. Last week in this year our youngest daughter Rebecca will be 35 years of age.
In Centre Church Heby it will be an intense year with prayer & fasting, services, conferences, 25-years jubilee with Dave & Chris Richards, more construction work, and visit by pastor Beckie Baraka, Kenya. Petra´s husband Pär-Inge will be 50 years of age. And 8th August Gertrud will be 70! But Gertrud will go on working in her sewing workshop, producing beatiful things in leather and textile.
Merry Christmas & A Blessed Coming Year!