3 juni 2014



When I am writing this text it is summer in Sweden. We have a big and blessed family - Kiell & Gertrud with four children and partners; eleven grandchildren (some with partners). Mostly of the family live in the Mälardalen area (Uppland and Västmanland), and Hanna & Viktor in Gothenburg. We have good relationship in the family and a couple of times per year we all gather, despite we are occupied in works, schools, churches, societies, and hobbies. The photo above shows our excursion one day to Stockholm. 

Kiell has during the years had a consultative role in several businesses and organizations. During the last months he has finished his work in the Water counsel of lake Tämnaren (chairman), Evangelical Free Church (board), and Uppsala Tourism Academy (board). He goes on as a board member of Upplands Energi, which had its strategy meeting in Brussel two weeks ago. Gertrud goes on with voluntary work in Östervåla Handicraft Center. Together Kiell & Gertrud now concentrate their time and powers being pastors and overseers of the local Centre Church Heby. This church belongs to the Salt & Light International family of churches, and Kiell & Gertrud is part of its Nordic Team. At the end of May the Nordic Team arranged a big leaders conference in Horred, outside Gothenburg.

25 years ago Kiell & Gertrud started Centre Church Heby (Garden of the Lord), and in April this year we celebrated the 25 years jubilee. Our mentors all the years have been Dave & Chris Richards, Basingstoke, England, and they participated. We are grateful to God for His faithfulness. Three years ago we planted a church in Sala, Centre Church Sala, and our son Andreas and his wife Anette are pastoring this church. Their oldest daughter Emelie last week was graduated at Word of Life Bibleschool Uppsala. Our daughter Petra and her husband Pär-Inge are leaders in the church in Heby. One of their three daughters, Hanna, last week was examined as logoped at Gothenburg University.  

Our son Marcus with Linda and three children are living in Östhammar at the coast of Baltic sea. Marcus is working in Forsmark nuclear plant, and Linda in the care of teenagers. Their children are Tuva, Nora and Gabriel. All the family are interested in football. Our daughter Rebecca is living in Heby. Her daughters are Michélle and Jennifer. Pär-Inge, husband of our daughter Petra, works a lot with young people and he got 50 yearts of age this spring in a great festival. He is successful in business. Petra works in care of elder people. Their daughters are Josefine, Hannah (with Viktor) and Victoria (with Alex) Our son Andreas, beyond being a pastor, is working internationally as a sales manager. He travels a lot. His wife Anette is working as an advisor for the students at Sala gymnasium. Their children are Emelie, Elin and Victor (the youngest of all grandchildren).

We thank God for our whole family! Winter and spring have been hectic to all of us. We now hope we will get rest and holiday during the summer.